You dont have to apologize

Everyone is created with equal will, if they seek it! So when you are taking care of your body don't apologize!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fitness Expert Gives People One Big Reason Kids in America are Overweight and Out of Shape "PARENT ANXIETY"

The prevalence of overweight children in the United States has increased dramatically in recent years. Recent reports have reached epidemic levels, with approximately 16 percent of children, 2 to 19 years old, classified as overweight. More than 70% obese adolescents retain their overweight and obese condition even during their adulthood. Obese children are on higher risk of developing, liver diseases, orthopedic problems and asthma.

One of the most frequently asked questions when I give a client an exercise, eating and menu plan is, “What do I feed my children?”  My response is, “Have them eat the foods on the plan, it’s good and healthy for them also.” “Why can’t your children learn better eating habits and live a healthier lifestyle along with you.”

When clients realize they have to improve their eating habits, they start to worry about planning meals for the entire family. Their response is “My kids will not eat those foods.” They start feeling the stress of fighting their kids to eat healthier.

Are we so concerned with how we look that we totally overlook the fact that our children can also benefit from good eating and exercise habits. Let me remind you of a few things, those high fats, sugar infested foods and no vegetables, fruits or water are encouraged for the child, are creating fatter children with cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol levels, clogged arteries, and high blood pressure. And let’s not forget the psychological factors such as low self-esteem, anorexia and bulimia, followed by depression.

The client’s main concern is preparing separate meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc.  After all, their children are used to satisfying their little taste buds with sugar infested cereals for breakfast, high fat bacon and fried eggs along with high fattening lunch and dinner human killers.  They feel that if they introduce their kids to brown rice and chicken breasts instead of chicken nuggets, hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, pizza and coke, it’s going to be a fight!  Well, to be honest it’s none of my business if you choose to clog your child’s arteries, contribute to their obesity and quit frankly shorten their life span. But, yes, I am concerned.

My son asked me if we were on a diet, because of the way other kids eat at school. My response was “NO son this is how and what we eat.” My son has a checklist that he must follow everyday one of his tasks says this: AFTER SCHOOL FUEL YOUR BODY! He has been educated on food and nutrients for many years now. He knows what it means to consume lean proteins to repair his muscles, starches for long term energy and mental concentration to study, do homework, workout, and participate in sports.  

I do cut him slack on the weekends, it’s our junk days, Saturday and Sunday, 4 meals a week. Don’t get me wrong my son and I may have pizza, soda, with a little candy here and there. It’s ok to have a balanced sensible common sense lifestyle. Some experts might disagree. Giving your child balance will help them maintain their sanity and allow them a chance to eat well for the rest of their lives.

I realize in-order for a client to succeed long term there must be flexibility. For instance if a client slip on their eating, they are urged to forget about it and eat well the very next meal. If you crave a piece of chocolate have a bite, just don’t eat it in place of a nutritious meal.  Children must learn to have flexibility eating also. They must learn that temporary setbacks are normal but then quickly shift their focus on getting back on track. They will learn how to deal with this issue in a real life perspective.

It’s simple, I buy the groceries, I feed and take care of the kid, and I am raising him until they graduate out of high school. My kid have no choice and I tell him so, that you will eat the oven baked barbeque chicken breast, the roasted turkey, the baked lemon and herb fish, steamed veggies, chicken flavored brown rice etc.  I AM NOT ASKING YOU, I AM TELLING YOU CHILD!! I don’t want to be responsible for cardiovascular diseases or shortening my child’s life, it’s just that simple.

In my household there are 3 rules he will follow.

  • Rule #1- You will do your homework and study  
  • Rule# 2 – You will be involved in some kind of activity to stay in- shape. 
  • Rule #3- You will eat vegetables, fruits, whole grain foods and lean proteins.
Don’t give your child a choice to be healthy, demand it! When they leave your house on their own it’s then their life and body until then……
Hey kid you don’t have a choice I prepared it and now you will eat it!

With Low Carb Diets You Will Gain More Weight along with Frustration

This is a question I get very often. Let me share what I think about the Dr Atkins diet. I know most people get very frustrated about the weight they gain afterward; hopefully I can give you a solution to this problem. Read below

Dear E.P.,
I have been following the Dr. Atkins’ program for a month or so.  I am really happy with the progress, but in the past week, I haven’t been able to follow it.  I noticed that I have gained some of my weight back.  Can one week really make that much of a difference?  If I continue to follow the program, will I have to follow it for the rest of my life in order to keep the weight off?  I want to lose the weight and keep it off. What should I do?

Dear Concerned,
The key to success with any weight loss program is to implement a plan that you can live with for the rest of your life.  There are many diets out there and to be honest, I’d have to say that most of the diets are effective at losing weight but they can be unsafe, and unrealistic, and the consequences continue. For instance when you lose weight too quickly, chances are you are losing your opportunity to tone and firm-up more. This means you are losing muscle. When you lose muscle the first thing your body does is actually preserve fat for protection of it’s self. And by the way when you lose the weight, your body looks the same only smaller. Wouldn’t you like to lose weight and have more tone and firmer muscles than you did when you started?

Let me explain how these unusual diets work.

The Chair of Harvard's nutrition department went on record before a 1973 U.S. Senate Select Committee investigating fad diets: "The Atkins Diet is nonsense... Any book that recommends unlimited amounts of meat, butter, and eggs, as this one does, in my opinion is dangerous. The author who makes the suggestion is guilty of malpractice.”   

We all know the DR Atkins diet is a low carbohydrate diet that excludes carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta, potatoes etc.  but includes an mainly high fat foods such as red meat, bacon, butter etc.

The problem is when you eliminate too many or consume excessive amounts of certain valuable nutrients, whether its protein, fats, or carbohydrates, there are going to be side effects, some potentially dangerous. 

For instance, when you are inconsistent or end any of these diets, you are likely to gain all or even more of the weight back, because you are not utilizing the nutrients in balance to what is required for your body.  

The most effective way to lose weight is to implement a well structured and realistic, eating plan that you can live with for the rest of your life. And secondly engage in physical activity such as cardio to burn fat and weight training to create an increased metabolic rate, while firming.  Most of all, you must realize that your eating plan must match your expectations for weight loss. Click on the link Below “TODAY” and Get the Plan you Can Live With Forever