You dont have to apologize

Everyone is created with equal will, if they seek it! So when you are taking care of your body don't apologize!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

I Hate to Exercise But I Still Do It

Yes, I am a fitness expert. I have been working out my entire life. I have been a competitive bodybuilder, power-lifter and used fitness to model sportswear, pursue an acting career, look and feel better. I have been working out for over 30 years and can you believe this I hate working out.

Still I workout and will for the rest of my life.

Why? It’s simple, it makes me feel great!  No not, in an emotional way, but more power in my life…..unlimited energy.

But is exercise really fun? 

As a Fitness professional being in the industry for decades, the answer is a resounding “NO!  You are surprised.

I know there are many of you that would say yes you are having fun. Well, if most of you said yes, I really do  not believe you. Are there other activities you would much rather be doing?   For me yes, I can think of ten right off!!

However, I might ask you this question.
So, why is it most of you are inconsistent at working out and / or staying in-shape? I have heard many excuses over the years from friends to family, why they do not exercise.  The excuses I hear most often are:

• I don’t have time,
• I am too tired after work,
• I work too many hours,
• I have kids,  
• And it’s time consuming etc.
Honestly, “IT IS TIME CONSUMING.”  But at the end of the day it’s JUST an excuse, it’s that simple!

I had a client that made it very clear that he hated exercising.

This person was paying a fee of $650 a month to train, and he continued to pay for over 8 years.

This guy hated everything about exercising.  He hated the treadmill, he hated weight training and he hated stretching.  He hated the time it took away from other things he thought he should be doing.  However, he never missed a training session unless he was out of town on business.    

It’s been over 10 years later, today this person is still complaining about exercise, but he’s still committed to doing it.

I asked him why after all these years of hating to exercise he's still doing it. He said, “I still hate it EP” he paused for a few seconds and he continued.  You know, numerous times I've missed workouts because of various circumstances, and I can feel my body weakening everywhere.

I’m not as energetic which puts me in a bad mood.  I just don’t have the energy. My body needs exercise and I recognize that I must continue. “The benefits far out weigh any of my excuses.” He ended with “The pros outweigh the cons EP, I still hate exercising but I do it.”

I am laughing, if you could see the scowl on his face and hear the hate in his voice!

He recognizes with his busy schedule, he needs more energy to perform at work. He has more energy after his demanding career to enjoy life and family, his tennis, golf and others activities. He is stronger, and he feels better.

Getting in shape takes long-term perseverance

At times uncontrollable life’s events, may contribute to missing some workouts. You will not be perfect, you will eat foods you shouldn’t have and there will be days your workouts will feel like a waste of time. And yes, there are day’s you simply don’t feel like exercising. 

Nevertheless, believe me, “you must stay consistent,” if you miss a week or two don’t see it as a failure. Just get back to it.

If you have not worked out in months or years and can’t seem to get back the motivation to start again, don’t doom yourself, simply make an effort. Buy a membership, put on workout clothes, or just step on the treadmill. TAKE ACTION.

Don’t…..and I say whatever you do add pressures to yourself by telling others you intend to exercise. Keep it confidential and do it. Do not add undue stress to the action and process of exercising. It will happen, it’s not too late. Just do it!

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