Dear E.P.,
With summer fast approaching, I really want to get in shape. With summer comes bathing suits and as of now, I’m not comfortable wearing a bathing suit out in public. What is a fast way to get my body to look good?
Summer Time Blues
Dear Summer Time Blues,
You should have been thinking about that bathing suit along time ago. Don’t expect miracles to happen in a couple of months. But don’t fret I can give you advice that will help you get results before summers end.
Frequently people want to lose some ridiculous amount of weight in a couple of weeks or months. My response to them is to forget about it, it’s not a realistic goal. Your goals should match realistic expectations.
However, it’s never too late to do something about your weight or the shape of your body.
What ever you do, don’t try anything drastic such as unrealistic faddish diets, vigorous prolonged workout programs or lifestyle changes you can’t live with for the rest of your life.
Start here….
Strength Training is the Quickest Easiest Way to Change the Body
The quickest, easiest, most effective way to change your body is by pumping iron or body weight training. As a Fitness Pro, I have watched females and males between the ages of fifteen and ninety start to see changes in their bodies within two weeks through weight training. I’ve always said, if you choose to lose weight without weight training, you may lose the weight but will have the same old body as before only smaller.
Cardio Workouts
Burn More Fat, Calories, and Improve Endurance
Cardiovascular activity is the most effective way to burn fat through exercising. Performing continuous rhythmic movements, such as walking, jogging, using a treadmill, or biking, is the most effective way to keep the body looking good.
How long should you perform your cardio workouts?
A general rule of thumb is to perform at least 20 minutes of cardio. Now that’s the minimum, let’s get to the real deal. People that are successful at improving their endurance and burning more calories and fat push for 30– 45-minute workouts. Oh, by the way put your heart into it, training heart rate that is.
Cross-Training for Better Fitness
If you want to discover more excitement in exercise with less injury, fitness cross training is for you. Cross training is a strategy used by exercisers to induce motivation, lean up and challenge the body and mind. The goal is to provide as much variety and challenge as you can to stay on track to achieving your fitness goals in a safe and effective way.
Group Training
Fitness has evolved leaps and bounds over the last 10 years. Group training such as Boot Camp Classes, Boxercise, Cardio Kickboxing, Body Pump, Cycling classes and numerous other activities have made fitness fun, energetic and exciting. It’s a proven fact that fitness enthusiasts are more likely to stay with a program longer if it is done within a group atmosphere.
So there you have it Summer Blues
Attached is a program you can down load, Eating plan, grocery list, outdoor and indoor shaping and toning plan. Do it this summer you will see results. You should see results in 30 days and you will progressively improve your body weekly.
Click links and go direct to get your program.
good advice coach I already do all those things, it really does work. I took 15 years off from training went up to 285lbs not good life was miserable, back down to 195 life is beautiful again, gotta go workout is waiting.....